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Spring Box Hardware for Fold-Down Beds


Bed Size


  • 12K9301 - Single-Bed Hardware
    1 - $239.00
  • 12K9302 - Double-Bed Hardware
    1 - $289.00

Spring Box Hardware for Fold-Down Beds

Fold-down beds let you make the best use of limited space.

This bed hardware is easily mounted and will allow a single or double bed to be safely raised and lowered. Similar to two-piece cupboard hinges, each spring box has a cabinet (bed) and frame member that are independently mounted.

Once assembled, the cabinet member slides into the frame member and locks in place with a steel clip. The spring boxes have a durable glossy white finish. Tension can be adjusted using a bolt on the cabinet member. Simple and effective mechanisms, they are solidly made.

Each spring box is 9" × 13" and weighs 12 lb. Each hardware set contains two spring boxes and mounting instructions. For vertical assembly only.